Last Week of Social Media Month

Hi everyone! Onto the last part of #SocialMediaMonth! ♥

Since I’m pretty late with posting this, this last week will be a bit of a  banger. 

For the rest of the week, I’ll be doing comments, likes, and shares on all social media platforms. I’ll also be doing follow for follow on WordPress and BlogLovin’.

As always, I’ll still be super active on Twitter, as well as my Facebook Group (link: U.S. Blogosphere). What does that mean for you? Increased visibility!

Share your links below (or on my blog’s facebook page) for follows/comments/shares/RTs and I’ll gladly oblige! Just let me know which favor you’d like in your comment ♥

Once again, you have no obligation other than just leaving your links for me to interact with. Some reciprocation would be nice (just for you to help me get the word out about #SocialMediaMonth), but it’s not required. ♥

Feel free to tweet @ForgedOpulence any time! 

Until next time,


Keep up to date with my #SocialMediaMonth Challenge here; Never miss what I’m up to next!

I’d love it if you’d check me out on social media too! You can find me at the following links: FacebookInstagram, BlogLovin, and Pinterest ♥♥♥

#SocialMediaMonth Intro

Hi everyone! I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about my blog; whether I should stop writing for a while to catch up on life or put work into it so I can flourish. This is always something I’ve done, even when it was a fleeting thought at points. I figured, why give up now? I just renovated a house, moved again, am currently looking for my first job in a year and a half, and still trying to start a family. There’s plenty to write about, so I’m going to push myself to do so.

That being said, I decided that the best way to push myself into keeping up better with my commitments is to basically drown myself with responsibility. It’s just the way I function. Weird, I know.

I decided to start a fun little challenge called #SocialMediaMonth where every week and weekend in July focuses on a different aspect of social media. Surprisingly, this really isn’t about me at all. It’s just about getting way more involved in the blogging community. If you participate, you’ll probably reap more benefits than I will in the long run, haha. Hopefully when July has passed, I’ll have a little bigger of a friend group and support system to help keep me on track and keep me motivated.

Anyone is more than welcome to participate in this. I started it for me, but I’m sure there are a lot of other bloggers that are out there that feel just like I do; like they need a giant kick in the pants to get back up on their game. If you or anyone you know decide to join in, I wish you nothing but the best of luck.

I’ll be posting a fully detailed schedule of the plans for every week and weekend of July on 6/28 (in two days) right here, so make sure you come check it out! I’d also appreciate it if you would share this post wherever you feel comfortable so everyone gets the chance to be involved if they’d like to be. Remember if you share this post to tag me @ForgedOpulence (basically everywhere except snapchat) and use the hashtag #SocialMediaMonth.

Hope to see you soon!


If you’ve stuck around this long, please check me out on social media too! You can find me on FacebookInstagram, Twitter, and Pinterest ♥♥♥